Real Italian Charm: A BWWM Billionaire Romance Page 7
In the warm candlelight, his lightly tanned skin almost seemed to glow, and the contours of his muscular physique appeared even more well-defined in the golden light. The candles also allowed me to see something else, too. Fed had become hard while we’d been kissing, and if a distinct bulge in the front of his black dress pants was any indication, he hadn’t yet lost much, if any, of that hardness.
Trying to keep my gaze from settling on that one particular part of him, I did as he’d asked me to and walked over to him, and something about the simple act of complying with his request stoked my sexual desire further still. When I reached him, I thought he might ask me to sit next to him or something, but somewhat to my surprise, he didn’t.
Instead, he pulled me into his strong arms, planted a slow line of kisses across my throat, making me sigh, and then looked into my eyes with golden candlelight dancing in his own. “I’m not sure that I’ve ever been as attracted to any other woman as I am to you, Jasmine, and I badly want to make love to you. But first, I just want to make sure that you still want the same thing.”
Without any hesitation, I nodded. “Yes. I do…and I feel the same way about you as you feel about me. I’m not sure that I’ve ever been as attracted to a man as I am to you, and I badly want you to make love to me. That’s definitely what I want right now, and that was what I wanted even when I was over at the dresser…but I was just fumbling around for a minute because I just started to feel nervous.”
Fed asked me why, and I lifted my shoulders in a slight shrug.
“Well…I guess I’m just not used to jumping into bed with a man so quickly, even though I want to tonight. Also, I’ve only ever slept with my three serious boyfriends, with one of them being in high school, and we were only intimate a handful of times; so, I’m maybe not the most world’s most experienced woman in the bedroom department…so, I guess I’m just a little self-conscious as to what you might think about me in that area. Basically, I’m just trying to say that if you want a woman who’s extremely experienced and knows what she’s doing at all times in the bedroom, that’s probably not me.”
With his expression one of clear tenderness, Fed made a faint scoffing noise. “I couldn’t care less about how sexually experienced you are or aren’t. That you want me tonight, too, is the only thing that matters to me.”
“Well….” I studied his strong-jawed, impossibly handsome face in the golden, flickering light for a long moment. “I definitely want you tonight…more than any man I’ve ever wanted before in my life, I think. And now that I’m back in your arms like this…it’s like all my sudden, weird nerves or whatever have just kind of vaporized.”
I wasn’t just saying this for his benefit; they really had just kind of vaporized.
Fed said that was good. “But just know that if your nerves come back at any point, please just tell me, and we can stop or slow down. We can do whatever you want…whatever you’re comfortable with.”
“All right. Thank you.” Smiling a little, I leaned in and began kissing him, but then pulled away after just a few seconds. “I’ve really never done this before, you know. This is the first time I’ve hopped into bed with someone without at least knowing them for several weeks first.”
“Me, too.”
I just looked at him for a second or two, unable to tell if he was just joking with me or something. Or maybe even lying. I just found it somewhat surprising that a man with his incredibly good looks, and his billions, had never just hopped right into bed with a woman right away. I was certain he’d had many, many opportunities to do so.
“Okay, Fed. Say that again, looking right in my eyes like you were.”
With his unique gray-and-blue eyes twinkling, he continued looking right into my eyes. “Me, too. This is the fastest I’ve ever jumped into bed with anyone. See, unlike some men, the idea of a one-night-stand has never appealed to me. I’m a man who really likes long-term relationships, and I think lovemaking while two people are in a relationship is much more satisfying on a few different levels.”
“Well, since neither of us have said that we’re officially in a relationship yet, what changed your mind about hopping into bed with me tonight? What made you agree when I asked you back here for coffee?”
With his eyes twinkling again, Fed pulled me from my feet onto his lap in one swift, seemingly effortless motion. “I’m not sure yet exactly what it is…but there’s just something so incredibly special about you, Jasmine. It’s not just that you’re absolutely gorgeous. Obviously, it probably doesn’t even need to be said that I’m very, very attracted to you on a physical level…but I’m also very attracted to you on a level that isn’t just skin-deep.
I like how you cared enough to stick up for Sheila, even though I’m sure you knew that that could come at the expense of your job. I like how you get so competitive about running, and how you were glad that I didn’t let you win. I like how you tip your head back a little when you laugh. I like your beautiful, musical-sounding voice, and how you talk about yourself and your life, and I like the things that seem to be important to you.
It’s even more than all this, though, but like I said, I’m not exactly sure what it is. I’m just drawn to some kind of magical, indefinable something that you throw off. Honestly, I think you had me in the palm of your hand when you first walked into the boardroom with wet pants.”
Part of me wanted to smile, wanted to tease him by asking if it would have made a difference if I’d actually wet my pants instead of becoming wet by way of Sheila accidentally spilling water on me. However, another part of me felt far too serious for any jokes at the moment, and this part also seemed to be causing a funny sort of heaviness in my chest, like the welling of some emotion I couldn’t even identify.
“Please kiss me, Fed. Please just hold me in your arms and kiss me.”
I didn’t have to ask him again.
Like had happened mere seconds after we’d gotten through my apartment door, we were soon kissing. Then, hands were soon freely roaming; and somehow, within just a few minutes, I found myself standing completely naked in front of Fed, who was standing in just a pair of black boxer briefs.
After surveying my body from head to toe in the glow of the candlelight, he spoke in a husky voice. “You’re absolutely gorgeous, Jasmine. Every single inch of you. You’re just flawless.”
I wasn’t sure about that, but the way his clearly-hungry gaze had briefly settled on my breasts and hips had told me that he was truly enamored of my figure. He’d also seemed to have especially enjoyed feasting his hungry eyes on my shoulders, waist, and legs. Really, it seemed as if maybe he really did think every single inch of me was flawless. I found this kind of funny, since he was the one with a physique like a Greek statue.
Once I’d helped him out of his boxer-briefs, pulling them down slowly, feeling as if I was opening a present of some sort, I saw that his cock was just as perfect as the rest of his body. So perfect, in fact, that I made an involuntary little gasp when I saw it, sure that my eyes were probably wide as saucers. Extending from a circle of short, dark curls, his rod was straight and rock-hard, if the way it was standing so proudly that it was nearly flush with his chiseled abs was any indication.
These weren’t even the things that struck me first, though. Right away, with my breathing becoming fast and ragged, what I noticed was the size and length of his manhood. Both were considerable. However, he didn’t look too large, large on a level of it being painful to take such a male member, but he was maybe just short of that. Considering that all three of my boyfriends had male members on the smaller side, and also considering the kind of complete fullness I’d always fantasized about, Fed’s manhood looked as perfect as if I’d designed it myself.
I soon wrapped a hand around his thick shaft, finding that it was indeed rock-hard. A sharp intake of breath told me that he liked my touch, which encouraged me, and I began running my thumb across the head of his cock in a slow, circular movement, applying fairly light pressure, bu
t not no pressure. For this kind of touch, I was rewarded with a groan from Fed, and this, combined with the feel of what I was doing, gave me so much pleasure that I made a little involuntary groan myself.
“Does this feel good to you?”
Another groan was Fed’s response to my question, and I continued with my slow circling of his cock head, enjoying it probably just as much as he was.
After a minute or so, though, his groans became increasingly frequent and loud, and he began almost imperceptibly rocking his hips, as if maybe he was beginning to want a little further stimulation. With an ache low in my belly and my pussy lips drenched in slickness, I was definitely getting there, too; and when Fed soon gently disengaged my hand from his shaft, picked me up, and carried me the couple of steps to my bed, I didn’t protest at all.
He sat down on the edge, settling me on his lap, then began kissing me, with one hand creeping down the front of my body to tease my stiffened nipples in turn. When this attention had made me moan into his mouth several times, he trailed his hand a little lower still, then slowly ran a finger between my slick pussy lips a few times, making me moan yet again. When he located my throbbing clit and began stroking it with a single fingertip, applying just the amount of pressure that I liked, I was forced to break our kiss, crying out, with the sound tapering off into three garbled words that vaguely sounded like please, don’t, and stop.
Thankfully, Fed didn’t stop, and it wasn’t long before I was panting with desperation and desire, more than ready to be touched inside. As if reading my mind and knowing exactly what I wanted, Fed soon slowly slid two fingers into my pussy and then began sliding them in and out with the same exquisite slowness, making me writhe on his lap. Judging by a few periodic growls and groans rumbling deep in his chest, he was also enjoying our current sexual activity, which turned me on even further, just to know that he found it hot.
When he curved his long fingers even more than they’d already been curved, gliding his fingertips along some intensely pleasurable spot deep inside of me, my panting turned into a long, low moan that left me nearly breathless. Several moments went by before I could even speak.
“Please, Fed. I just need to feel you inside me now. Whatever position you want to make love to me in…however you want to do things…I just need to feel every inch of you inside me now.”
As it was, just the feel of his large hardness against the side of my hip was becoming something of a torture, just to feel it so close and yet not exactly where I wanted it.
In response to what I’d said, I thought that Fed might pull me on top of him, to ride him, or place me in bed on my back so that he could be on top. However, what he did do wasn’t a position that was even on my radar, because I’d honestly never heard of it before, let alone done it. I wasn’t sure if I ever could have even dreamed it up.
After withdrawing his fingers from my pussy, he parted my legs even a bit further. Then with his left arm around me, he kind of tipped me a bit forward, so that I was rolling off his lap a few degrees to the left, on my left hip, which exposed my rear and all my intimate parts to him. Not sure exactly where things were going, but trusting that I’d probably like the ultimate destination, whatever it was, I wondered what Fed was going to do next. Fortunately, I didn’t have to wait long to find out.
Within a moment or two, I felt the head of his cock at my slick entrance from behind, and then he began tipping me back onto his lap with a low growl, very slowly causing me to slide down the length of his hard pole. Seemingly encouraged by me moaning, he didn’t stop until I was basically sitting again, with my left hip on his muscular thighs and my right hip kind of up on his stomach, with me having slid down the entire length of his shaft.
To have every inch of his considerable length inside of me was honestly slightly uncomfortable, although not in an entirely unpleasant way, even though I realized that didn’t make a whole lot of sense. But still, even though my pussy felt stretched, or overly stuffed, or something else that I couldn’t even identify, I kind of didn’t want the feeling to stop. And, after a few moments of getting used to it, panting, I really didn’t want it to stop.
I was definitely stuffed fuller than I ever had been, and by a harder erection than I’d ever felt in my life, but all this was beginning to feel absolutely amazing somehow. It was beginning to feel so amazing, in fact, that I could barely form words, only managing to tell Fed that he felt good between long sighs of pleasure.
Seeming to want to make sure that I’d completely adjusted to his size before we went any further, he just held me on his lap and kissed me passionately for a while, groaning faintly, until I was so desperate to feel him moving his cock inside of me that I’d begun gently rocking on his lap. Once again not sure exactly where things were going to go, since it wasn’t like I could get much leverage with my legs dangling off the side of his own, I wondered what exactly he had in store for me next. Again, fortunately, I didn’t have to wait long to find out.
Cradling me in his arms, he slowly leaned back on the bed without sliding his thick pole out of me. Then, since I was in a semi-awkward position, with the side of my upper torso against his chest but my rear more or less against his hips, he shifted me in his arms so that he was still holding me around the shoulders with his left arm but not his right, allowing me to stretch out on my back pretty much fully, supported by his strong arm. If I’d had to take a guess about our current positioning, I would have said that our bodies formed something of an X shape, or maybe a crooked lowercase t.
When I felt Fed lift his hips off the bed, I moaned just in anticipation of what he was going to do. And when he slowly began thrusting his rock-hard cock in and out of my slickness, growling, kind of bouncing me off his hips, I cried out the word yes repeatedly, never having experienced such erotic pleasure in my life. I hadn’t experienced anything even close, actually.
Since what Fed was doing, supporting me and thrusting into me from below, seemed like a task of almost impossible strength and coordination, I wasn’t quite sure how long he could sustain it. Feats of strength and coordination didn’t seem to be any problem at all for him, though, and he continued with his bouncing-type thrusting for a good long while, making me moan almost continuously, until I began nearing what I was certain would be the most powerful climax I’d ever had in my life. At the same time, Fed seemed to be nearing his own peak, too, beginning to thrust harder and faster.
It wasn’t long before he pulled himself out of me, lifted me to the side of the bed, and then rolled on top of me, parting my legs with his knee at the same time. A little bit breathless, I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, happy about this new positioning with me on my back. Although I’d loved our previous very unique positioning, I’d been hoping that we might face each other, looking into each other’s eyes, for the final stretch of our erotic pleasure.
It turned out that that final stretch didn’t last very long at all. After a minute or so of fairly, hard, fast thrusting, Fed paused just long enough to hike my legs up on his strong shoulders, allowing him to penetrate me the deepest he had yet. It was this, combined with him looking into my eyes deeply for a few moments, that sent me hurtling over the edge of ecstasy, crying out while wave after wave of indescribably intense pleasure crashed through my body. At the same time, Fed reached his peak as well and growled out with his own pleasure, filling me with the warmth of his seed, which only increased my pleasure.
Once our bodies had finally stilled, except for our heaving chests while we tried to catch our breath, I began expecting Fed to soon roll off of me and go right to sleep, since this was what Malcolm had usually done. Once he’d reached orgasm, he’d never had much interest in talking, holding me, or touching me in any way, so I’d almost come to see this as normal. Sometimes he’d give me a quick kiss and say goodnight before rolling over to face the wall.
Fed, however, didn’t roll off me right away. First, he caressed the side of my face with a feather-light touch, using the fingers of his
left hand, which were fingers that hadn’t been inside of me. While he did this, he just looked into my eyes for several moments, and then he spoke in a husky near-whisper, saying that I was so incredibly beautiful.
“You’re the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever set eyes on, by far. And your face just now…right when you were crying out with passion…I can’t even explain to you how stunning you looked.”
I wasn’t sure how “stunning” my “orgasm face” could have possibly looked, because I was reasonably certain that I’d been squeezing my eyes shut and grinding my teeth, for the most part, which didn’t seem like it would be an attractive expression. Because of this, I almost didn’t even know what to think about what Fed had said. Except that what I thought was that I actually liked it. I loved it, actually. I was beginning to think I was now falling in love with not only his words, but with him himself, all of him, and maybe even very deeply.
After brushing a few tender, lingering kisses against my lips, he rolled to my side; however, he didn’t stare up at the ceiling or face the wall.
Instead, he took me in his arms and began planting a few kisses along the side of my face, but then stopped kind of abruptly. “Oh…I almost forgot about the candles. I’ll go blow them out.”
Once he’d done just that, he returned to bed and once again took me in his strong arms, now in the dark. With his touch somehow heartbreakingly gentle, he began slowly stroking my curly hair, making some powerful emotion rise in my chest like how it had done earlier, when we’d been talking with me sitting on his lap.
I suddenly realized that there was something I needed to ask him before we drifted off to sleep. Something that seemed somehow urgent and crucial. However, it was a question that I wasn’t entirely sure that I wanted to ask because I wasn’t entirely sure that I really wanted to know the answer. At the same time, though, I knew I had to hear it.