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Her First French Kiss: An Exotic BWWM Romance Page 13
Her First French Kiss: An Exotic BWWM Romance Read online
Page 13
Baptiste explained all this casually, but Diamond couldn’t help but think that she’s stepped into some serious 007 shit, and she couldn’t pretend like she wasn’t impressed by it.
“Well, I’m grateful and I hate you all at the same time,” Diamond said.
“Those were just the feelings that I was trying to elicit,” Baptiste said with a boyish grin.
He cut the fruit tart into handheld slices, and arranged them beautifully. There were all kinds of different fruits on it, from berries to pineapple and even plum. It had every color of the rainbow, and sat upon a layer of white custard, housed in what looked like a graham cracker crust. There were five different kinds of cheeses, in Diamond’s estimation. Despite all the shit that had gone down that day, Diamond found that she was actually very hungry.
“Cheers,” Baptiste said, lifting his glass to hers.
“Cheers,” she replied, and they clinked their glasses, gazing into one another’s eyes. “This is wonderful.”
“Yes, it’s from Alsace. It’s my favorite white. I must take you there one day.”
“To Alsace?”
“To the wine country, in general. France has the best wines you know,” Baptiste said with pride.
“I’m just gonna nod my head and agree with you on that,” Diamond replied, not an expert on wine herself.
Just then, Diamond’s phone rang, and a look of concern crossed her face.
“Don’t pick it up,” Baptiste said, putting down his glass.
Diamond looked at the phone and saw that it was the last person on the earth that she wished to speak to.
“I gotta do this,” she said.
“Give me the phone,” Baptiste said, putting out his hand.
“No, I got this,” Diamond said, jumping off the counter and walking to the corner of the kitchen. “You’ve got some fucking nerve,” she said, holding the phone to her ear.
“I just gettin’ started,” Malik said on the other line.
“Diamond, hand me the phone,” Baptiste said, becoming indignant. She pushed him away.
“Malik, I’m tellin’ you right now. End this shit. Get on a plane and go home cause this ain’t gonna get you nowhere. The police already know what’s going on. You spent time in American jail and if you stay here, you’re gonna spend some time in French jail too,” Diamond said.
“Ooh, that supposed to scare me?” Malik replied.
“You know there ain’t no point to this.”
“Where you at right now?” Malik asked, and Diamond looked to Baptiste, her eyes wide and afraid.
“That’s it,” Baptiste said, noting the look on her face. He forcefully grabbed the phone from Diamond’s hand and brought it to his ear. “Do you mind speaking about this like gentlemen?” Baptiste said, his jaw tight.
“Who the fuck is this?” Malik asked.
“It’s the man that’s going to make you wish you were never born.”
The statement was flashy, and Diamond was impressed by it, but when Baptiste said it, it was almost as though he was discussing the weather. He kept his tone very casual and calm.
“Dat so?” Malik asked.
“Let me give you a bit of advice, my friend. If you try to pull anything again like you did today, then I’ll make sure that the police have nothing to do with it, but rather, my personal staff. I believe that’s something that you’re not going to like,” Baptiste said.
“You just eggin’ me on now. I can’t wait to see what yo fucking personal staff have in store,” Malik replied, always one for a challenge.
“Then it’s a deal. We’ll both enjoy the result,” Baptiste replied. “But I warn you that if you even lay one hand on Diamond, I will have to deal with you personally.”
“What you think you own her now, fool? You know that I own that bitch.”
Baptiste went silent. He couldn’t only be glad that Diamond didn’t have to hear that last statement. The look on his face was like nothing that Diamond had ever seen before.
“What?” she asked, his expression frightening her.
Baptiste closed his eyes, took a breath, and then hung up the phone.
“Are you okay?” Diamond asked.
“I’m sorry,” Baptiste said, placing the phone on the counter and walking away. “I need fresh air.” She watched him as he walked out of the kitchen and towards the veranda. Diamond remained in the kitchen, holding herself. Everything was falling apart it seemed, and she desperately wished to know what Malik had said to Baptiste.
“Just let em go,” Bernice said, appearing and taking Baptiste’s glass of wine.
“Mama, what just happened?” Diamond asked.
“Ooooh, child. You know Malik got his anger issues, well I’m here to tell you that Baptiste got some anger issues all his own. But he be doing his best to change all that.”
“What you mean?” Diamond asked, watching as Bernice dug into the fruit tart and cheese.
“That Mr. Baptiste Laurent used to be a fighter, you know. Had a real problem with it. Spent many years trying to get past it. That’s why he’s outside right now, having a breath and keepin’ himself from doing anything stupid.”
“How do you know all that?” Diamond asked.
“When you dead, you see and know everything. I know more than I want to know,” Bernice said. “Damn, this good,” she added, taking another bite of fruit tart.
“Well, that seems very adult of him. I don’t think Malik ever evolved that much.”
“No, Malik never evolved and he never gonna evolve. He also ain’t gonna back down till he gets what he wants,” Bernice said. She was warning her daughter, and her tone was definitive.
“I don’t know what to do,” Diamond said, bringing her hands to her head and holding it.
“Well, my advice is you don’t go back to that apartment,” Bernice said.
“I can’t just remain a prisoner here.”
“You blind?” Bernice said, looking all around her, motioning to the kitchen, and the food. “Where the hell else you wanna be a prisoner? Shoot, I’d be a prisoner here all my life.”
“I know this place is beautiful, and Baptiste is wonderful, but I can’t be caged in,” Diamond said.
“You always been that way, ever since you was a little girl. You always wanted your way.”
“Mama, don’t you see that if I give into fear then Malik wins? If I allow myself to be on house arrest, then he will succeed in filling me with fear. He’ll be the one putting me in a cage.”
“Shoot, at least be stuck here long enough to make me some grandbabies.”
“Mama!” Diamond protested.
“I serious. You be havin’ some beautiful grandbabies with that man. They be all macchiato and cafe au lait.”
“Okay, that’s enough,” Diamond said, a smile finally coming to her face.
“All I’m saying, and you can take it with a grain of salt if you must, is that that’s a fine man and I can tell you like him. He gonna protect you, and the least that you can do to thank him is have his babies cause I KNOW that he wants 'em.”
“Okay, we gonna stop this conversation cause you’re making me uncomfortable.”
“And I making you blush. I see it,” Bernice said, pointing to Diamond’s face while holding onto a piece of cheese.
“Yes, I like him. A lot. But right now is not the time to discuss all that. I gotta figure out this situation with Malik, and not only that, I gotta figure out my whole life.”
“All you young people be thinkin’ you gotta figure everything out from where you stand but it just ain’t how things work. You never planned to leave Malik, never planned to come to France, and never planned to meet that fine white guy.”
“That true.”
“So how is it you think you gonna plan what comes next? You can’t. I dead and I see a lot of things but even I don’t know what your future be like. Just let it go. Drink some wine, eat some damn cheese before I eat it all myself, and embrace that man that standin’ out ther
e, cause God knows he wanna embrace you.”
“Okay, mama. I get it . . . I get it.” Diamond picked up a piece of cheese and took a bite of it. “Damn, that good.”
“What I be tellin’ you this whole time?” Bernice said, taking another bite as well.
Mother and daughter drank their wine in silence for a few moments, listening to the birdsong coming in through the window.
“You know, there’s something about this boughie European shit that you can’t deny,” Bernice said with a huge smile on her face.
“I have to agree,” Diamond said, enjoying a brief moment of contentment. “What am I going to do about Tanesha?” she said, her expression changing.
“It’s sad how it all went down, but you gotta forgive her in the end. You know how frightening Malik can be.”
“I do know. But of all people. It just breaks my heart.”
“I know. We got expectations about people, and when they break them expectations, it hurts real bad,” Bernice said in agreement.
“I suppose I should call her. She must feel terrible.”
“Let her sit with dat for a while, I say. You call her when you feel good and ready.”
“Okay, mama.”
“Shoot, I gotta go,” Bernice said, downing her wine and filling her hands with as much tart as she could clutch.
“Why?” Diamond asked.
“Cause prince charming coming dis way and ya’ll need to talk,” Bernice said, disappearing instantly.
“I see that you had an appetite,” Baptiste said, noting that most of the food was gone.
“No, I . . . it wasn’t me,” Diamond tried to explain. Batiste smiled, finding her response rather adorable.
“I, assume a little mouse crept into the kitchen then,” he said, leaning in to give Diamond a kiss. She received his lips with delight. They lingered for a while, enjoying the kiss, till Diamond pulled away.
“You alright?” she asked.
“Yes, I just needed a moment to collect myself.”
“I wish I knew what he said to you,” Diamond said, her expression pained.
“Well, I do not wish to tell you that. Let’s leave it alone,” Baptiste said, brushing Diamond’s cheek with the back of his hand.
“Now what happens?” Diamond asked, sighing and leaning her back against the counter.
“We wait. Rather you wait. Here.”
“Okay,” Diamond said, resigning herself to it.
“And no more answering your phone. You’re merely egging him on. In fact,” Baptiste said, picking up her phone from the counter. “I’m taking this with me.”
“Baptiste, you can’t take my phone,” Diamond said, becoming indignant again.
“I most certainly am taking your phone, and I’m getting you a new one with a different number. This one is old, anyhow.”
“But all my numbers are stored in there,” Diamond said, panic coming over her.
“They’ll switch all the contacts onto your new phone. It’s an easy process,” Baptiste said, walking away.
“Wait, Baptiste!” Diamond protested. He turned to face her. “I’m uncomfortable with this. You telling me to stay here, taking my phone, taking my freedom!” Baptiste considered this statement before speaking, again with calm, measured tones.
“I am giving you freedom, Diamond. As long as this man is in your life—and he is still in your life—then you have no freedom at all. I’m going to fix this situation, and when it’s fixed, you’re free to have your life again.”
Diamond stood there in stunned silence. She didn’t know what else to say. It went against everything that she held true as a strong, independent woman. Was she to trust Baptiste? Should she run for the hills? In the time being, running didn’t seem like the best option at all. She’d stay put, even if her fierce instincts told her otherwise.
“What am I going to do here all day?” Diamond asked.
“You’ll do as I want you to do. Walk around in a negligee and pick flowers from the garden,” Baptiste said humorously, a smile coming to his face.
“Now you just playin’ and I don’t find it funny.”
“I know, I couldn’t help it. Do what you wish to do, only do not leave the estate. It’s not safe,” Baptiste said, coming close to her again and putting his hands on her waist. “Security knows of the situation, and the grounds are entirely safe. You can go out to the garden, and even down to the beach. They’ll be monitoring you.”
“That’s some 007 shit again,” Diamond said humorously.
“Oh, don’t offend me. That’s so British,” Baptiste said, smiling again and leaning in for a kiss.
He walked away, straightening his tie and no doubt preparing himself for his next meeting. Diamond sighed yet again, took another sip of her wine, and considered what to do with herself next.
She stepped out onto the veranda and took in the sea air, gazing off towards the horizon. She spotted her apartment, not vacant, and God knows for how long it would be so. It was Emmanuelle who ratted her out, after all. She called Baptiste while Diamond was cleaning up her apartment. She couldn’t think of it as a betrayal. Emmanuelle must have been so concerned about the situation that she turned to the one person she knew could help; Baptiste. Diamond had to admit that there were a number of wonderful people in the world that were looking out for her, and had her back. She had to be thankful for that.
Diamond had the strong urge to call Tanesha, but not only did she not have a phone, her mother instructed her to wait. Still, she had this horrible sinking feeling in her chest. If only Tanesha hadn’t told Malik where she was, then none of it would be as screwed up as it was in that moment. Diamond wished to turn back the hands of time and have it all be different. But she didn’t wish to turn back the hands of time too far. Because then, she’d be back in Chicago, living with Malik, and Baptiste Laurent would never have come into her life. That would have been a tragedy.
As Diamond read her book in the garden, she couldn’t help but think that being house-bound wasn’t so bad, after all. For once in her life, she had time to breathe. It seemed like she had spent so much time rushing around, constantly trying to get things done, improve her life, and hold herself together. A forced rest was what she had needed all that time, and she had neglected to give herself the opportunity.
“Tea, madam?” a servant asked.
“Oui, merci,” Diamond replied.
“Hot or cold?”
“Hot, would be fine.”
Despite the fact that it was a warm day, it was still overcast outside and something warm seemed like the right choice. Diamond returned to her book, but her thoughts kept drifting. Where was Malik? Would he show up again? Maybe he’d just give up and go home. She hoped that he would, but Malik was never one to back down.
Tea was brought out on a tray and set on a wrought iron table. There were little biscuits that accompanied it, and cheese. Diamond couldn’t help but think how delicious it was, nibbling and sipping the afternoon away, all while waiting for Baptiste to come home.
The whole situation had become very domestic and Diamond didn’t know what to make of that either. Things were happening so fast between her and Baptiste. It was like the circumstances of her life were just naturally bringing them together. As though forces of nature were willing them to meet.
“You have a visitor, madam,” the same servant said.
Diamond’s stomach flipped. The first person that she thought of was Malik, but she had been told that the servants were advised that he was dangerous, so there was no way he could be let in.
“Who is it?” she asked, putting her book down on the table.
“Jaques, le chocolatier,” the servant said.
“Oh, invite him outside!” Diamond said with delight.
The servant rushed back inside and in no time Jaques was out on the veranda, and making his way down to the garden. He was no longer wearing his apron, nor his chef hat. His cheeks were glowing with mischief.
r /> “Bonjour, Mademoiselle,” he said with cheer.
“Bonjour, Jaques!” Diamond said, standing.
She could see that he had a box in his hands and she couldn’t wait to see what was inside.
“A delivery for you,” he said, finally reaching her.
“What is it?” she asked with childlike wonder.
“But of course, gateau au chocolat,” he said.
“You brought me chocolate cake?”
“I have been told that you need it,” he replied, kissing Diamond on each cheek.
Jaques sat down and wiped some sweat from his brow. The servant was back in no time with more tea, and a knife to cut the cake in order to be served.
“This is so thoughtful,” Diamond said. “You really did not have to.”
“Oh, but I did. Emmanuelle came into the shop this afternoon and told me what had happened.”
“News spreads fast,” Diamond said. Jaques shrugged his shoulders and lit a cigarette.
“This is a small town. Everyone knows by now.”
“I don’t know whether or not to be embarrassed,” Diamond said, taking a bit of frosting on her finger.
“Do not be. This is France. Lovers go insane here all the time. The fact that your lover traveled all the way from America is very impressive.”
“I’m not sure there’s anything impressive about it,” Diamond said darkly.
“At least he did not have a gun. I have heard so many stories of lovers with guns.”
“Jaques, that’s terrible. I bet that a French lover with a gun is harmless, but a lover from Chicago with a gun is a whole different story.”
“I suppose that you have a point,” Jaques said, relenting.
Diamond’s thoughts turned dark as she considered whether or not Malik might actually have a gun. She didn’t encounter him at her apartment, thank God, so God knows whether or not he was packing heat.
“Clement is concerned, as well.”
“I find that hard to believe!” Diamond exclaimed, the memory of the vinegary shop owner of Le Petite Fleur coming back to her mind.
“Well, he didn’t say much. But I walked past him on the street and told him I was coming to check in on you.”