Her First French Kiss: An Exotic BWWM Romance Read online

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  “Mama, I don’t want to handle all this. I don’t want to hear what they got to say. It’s hurting my heart.”

  “Listen, don’t you pay no attention to those fools. That man you got is better than the rest of 'em.”

  “He does seem like a good man, but I ain’t got nobody. I don’t even know what this is between he and I. And I don’t know if I’m able to put up with this much nonsense in order to be with him,” Diamond explained.

  “Listen, we all gotta make sacrifices. Someone gotta teach those dumb white French folks a lesson, and maybe that’s why you be here.”

  “Mama, I ain’t got time to teach no one no lessons. If they want to be dumb white French folks then let them. I’d rather just go my own way.”

  “Well, suit yourself. I just sayin’ that you got a good heart, and you smart. If anyone can find a way to teach them, it’s you. I’m not just saying that cause you’s my daughter and I love you.”

  “Thanks, mama.”

  “Now, I be gettin’ off this toilet and getting me some of that beef,” Bernice said.

  “Okay,” Diamond said with a laugh.

  Bernice being gone, Diamond exited the lady’s room and returned to the dining room, her head held high.

  When she sat herself again at the table, the beef bourguignon had been cleared and the cheese course had been set. Diamond took a deep breath, and felt Baptiste’s hand take her own under the table.

  “In France, we conclude a meal with fromage,” Agnes explained to Diamond, taking a piece in her fork. “It is like a dessert.”

  “How lovely,” Diamond replied.

  “And in America, I hear that watermelon is a dessert,” Robert said, laughing to himself.

  “Actually, no. Watermelon is a stereotype of what black folks in the South eat,” Diamond said calmly, her voice not sounding angry in the slightest. “Just like fried chicken is a stereotype. But these are subtle stereotypes, so perhaps you didn’t know that you were being offensive?” Diamond asked.

  The table fell silent, guilt on everyone’s face.

  “No . . .” Robert said, looking at the other faces around the table. “I suppose that I didn’t.”

  Diamond could feel Baptiste’s hand clutching hers more tightly.

  “That’s what I thought,” Diamond replied with a smile.


  “Girl, you said what?” Tanesha said over the phone. Diamond had told her everything that had went on at Baptiste’s estate that night, from start to finish.

  “Well, I was subtle about it,” Diamond explained.

  “There ain’t nothing subtle about that. You put them in their place.”

  “Yes, I suppose that I did.”

  “Well, I’m proud of you. Sounds like they needed to hear what’s what.”

  “Yes, they changed after that. Things were much less tense, and they talked to me differently.”

  Diamond was off in a guest room, making her phone call. She didn’t want to disturb Baptiste, who was preparing himself for bed, and so Diamond found a side room. It was dark inside, with just one light lit, and from that room as well, Diamond could look out towards the sea, admiring its silent beauty. The moon was bright and high, and its light illuminated the entire coast.

  “So, you stayin’ the night?” Tanesha asked.

  “I suppose I got to. It’s late and there ain’t no driver in sight,” Diamond said, noting that the house was so quiet that it sounded as though the servants might all be asleep.

  “Girl, you know he could be callin’ up that driver whenever he want. Were you for real when you said no brothers or sisters workin’ in that house?” Tanesha asked.

  “For real, I ain’t seen one. I’m almost a little offended. I’m like, give colored folks a job, you know what I’m sayin’?” Both Tanesha and Diamond shared in a laugh.

  “Seems like you really got something goin’ there with that guy,” Tanesha said, eagerly awaiting a response.

  “I don’t know. It’s all happening so fast. But Baptiste is incredibly warm and generous. He makes me feel special, you know? And safe . . .”

  “Somethin’ wrong. You okay?” Tanesha asked, noting the change in Diamond’s tone.

  “I spoke on the phone with Malik.”

  “No, you didn’t.”

  “I sure as hell did, and I’m tellin’ you it wasn’t pretty,” Diamond went on.

  “Wha he say?”

  “He sayin’ he’s the only man for me and that I can’t find no better. He says he could come and try to find me.”

  “Oh, D. You sound scared. Do you really think that he means it?” Tanesha asked.

  “I don’t know. I do know that Malik is capable of a whole lotta nonsense. But it seems over the top that he could find his way here. He don’t know where I at.”

  “Just be safe, girl. You sound scared enough when you talk about it and that worries me. I don’t wanna get no morbid phone call from the police.”

  “Tanesha, I gotta feeling that the French police ain’t be calling yo ass no time soon,” Diamond said with a laugh.

  “I’m just going to take your word on that.”

  Just then, Diamond turned and jumped a little. Baptiste was standing there, leaning on the doorframe. His arms were folded on his chest. Diamond had no clue how long he had been standing there.

  “Girl, I gotta go,” Diamond said softly into the phone.

  “Alright, then. You don’t let that man break your back tonight,” Tanesha said.

  “You disgustin’,” Diamond replied, then switched off her phone. “I didn’t know you were here,” Diamond said sheepishly.

  “I’m sorry. I hope you don’t think I’m intruding,” Baptiste said.

  “No, it’s fine. I talk so loud with Tanesha that you could probably hear me in the next room anyhow.”

  “Do you need to talk more? About this man?” Baptiste said. There was concern and a touch of anger on his face.

  “I don’t think so. It’s fine, really,” Diamond said, trying to brush it off.

  “I can’t entirely agree, from the look on your face. Why don’t you explain it to me?” Baptiste said, seating himself in a plush chair. By doing so, he was expressing that not telling him more was not going to be an option.

  “Okay,” Diamond said, seating herself in a chair across from him. “There’s not much to say. This man, Malik, is my ex-boyfriend, back in Chicago.”

  “Alright,” Baptiste said, his tone measured. “And he’s giving you trouble?”

  “He’s calling me every day, several times a day. Today, I finally picked up the phone,” Diamond explained.

  “And what did he have to say?” Baptiste asked.

  “He was threatening me . . . just a bit.”

  “There’s no such thing as just a bit of threatening. He’s either threatening you or he’s not,” Baptiste said, anger finally coming into his voice.

  “Okay. He threatening me.”

  “And how does that make you feel?” Baptiste asked.

  “Scared. Honestly, just scared. He’s capable of doing some stupid things.”

  “Has he ever physically hurt you?” Baptiste asked, looking into her eyes intently. Diamond heaved a sigh. She didn’t want to say it aloud. Not to Baptiste. She was afraid that she might cry.

  “Yes, he did. Many times, actually. That’s when I knew that I had to go. He wasn’t violent in the beginning. He was very kind, actually. But as the years went on, he started to get physical with me.”

  “Okay, that’s enough,” Baptiste said, bringing his hand in the air. “I don’t think I can hear more.”

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean for this to become so heavy,” Diamond said, shaking her head.

  “It’s alright,” Baptiste said, getting up from his chair and walking towards her. He leaned over and kissed the top of her head, placing a hand on her cheek. “He’s never going to do that again.”

  “I know.”

  “I’m almost wishing that he does com
e here,” Baptiste said casually.

  “Why is that?” Diamond asked.

  “In order to give him a taste of his medicine.”

  “Now, don’t you go all crazy on me, too,” Diamond said.

  “Nothing would ever happen in front of you,” Baptiste said.

  That meaning that he’d kick the shit out of Malik behind closed doors? Actually, that would be something that I really would like to see.

  “Come, it’s late,” Baptiste said, taking her hand. “You look beautiful tonight,” he said, leading her to the bedroom.

  “Well, now I’m turning into a pumpkin,” Diamond said with a yawn.

  “It was an eventful night. You must be exhausted.”

  “I am, but it was nice meeting your family,” Diamond said.

  “They enjoyed meeting you,” Baptiste said, finally making it into the room and letting go of Diamond’s hand so she could prepare for bed.

  “I’m not so sure about that,” Diamond said with a laugh.

  “They did. They just had a funny way of showing it.”

  It only took a few minutes for both Diamond and Baptiste to be ready for sleep. Diamond was provided with a pretty satin nightgown that felt cool and light against her skin. When she got into the plush bed, she didn’t know what was going to come next, but she was filled with anticipation. Her heart fluttered ever so gently.

  “Diamond, I must be candid with you,” Baptiste said, turning off the light and getting into bed.

  “Alright,” she replied.

  “After this talk of violence tonight, I cannot make love to you,” Baptiste said.

  “That’s totally alright. I understand.”

  “But would it be alright if I held you?” Baptiste asked. Diamond found this incredibly endearing, and her heart fluttered even faster.

  “Of course you can,” she said with a smile.

  “Turn your back to me,” Baptiste said, and Diamond turned over on her side. He then brought his chest to her back and wrapped his arm around her, holding her tight.

  “Is this alright?” he asked.

  “Yes, this is very nice,” Diamond said, feeling incredibly cozy in that position.

  Baptiste held her in silence, stroking her arm with his hand and caressing the rest of her as well. Diamond was in paradise. The feeling of protection and warmth was intoxicating, and just what she needed after that long and emotionally trying day.

  There was something about being safe in Baptiste’s arms that night that got Diamond to thinking. For so many years, she had endured one trauma after the next. The abuse was so bad, that she had become numb to her own feelings, because if she had given into that fear and dread, then she would never have been able to go on. But being there, protected by Baptiste, all those feelings that had been buried were finally coming up to the surface. She felt a tear fall from her eye. She tried to wipe it away so that Baptiste wouldn’t notice, but she couldn’t hide the heaving breath in her chest which gave away her tears.

  Baptiste held on more tightly, again, not saying any words. Rather, allowing the emotion to come through Diamond. He gently stroked her head and her face, brushing away a tear or two.

  “I’m sorry,” Diamond said softly.

  “Please, never apologize for this again,” Baptiste instructed her.

  So there they lay. Diamond didn’t know for how long Baptiste continued to hold her, but it had to have been until she fell asleep. She recalled that there were no bad dreams that night, but just a relaxed, contented slumber.


  The next morning, the sun shone bright through the windows of the master bedroom. Diamond turned and found that Baptiste was again gone. She wasn’t offended by that, of course, because she knew that he must be working. She got out of bed and walked towards the window, lifting her arms to stretch.

  Sure enough, looking down, she found Baptiste at his customary breakfast table, surrounded by a handful of men in suits, all deep in discussion while drinking their coffee and tea. Diamond smiled to herself. She didn’t wish to disturb him, but she desperately wanted to make eye contact with him again.

  As though Baptiste sensed the presence of his lover, he looked up briefly from the table and met Diamond’s eyes. A warm smile came to his lips, and there was a wink of the eye. Diamond smiled as well, and walked away from the window, wishing to not distract him for too long.

  “Do you like crepes?” a servant asked. It was a different servant from the morning before, and Diamond didn’t know how she was going to keep all these faces and names straight.

  “I think so,” Diamond replied. “I’ve never had them.”

  “Well, then you’re in for a treat,” the servant replied, exiting the room.

  Diamond got back in bed while she waited for breakfast to arrive, and she checked her phone. She had had it on silent the entire night, but she noticed that a number of phone calls had come in. There were six phone calls from Malik, and one from Tanesha. Diamond’s stomach flipped. What was going on? It was odd for Tanesha to call her in the middle of the night.

  “Here we are then,” the servant said, returning with a tray. Diamond could smell the fragrant coffee instantly, and she could see the crepes were covered with strawberries and cream.

  “That looks amazing,” Diamond said as it was placed before her.

  “This is strawberry compote on top. And here we have three poached eggs and two slices of ham.”

  “This is a lot of food!” Diamond exclaimed, noting that it was much more than was served last time.

  “Monsieur Laurent says that you need protein,” the servant said earnestly.

  “What does he think I am, a boxer?” Diamond said.

  “He eats a rather large breakfast, himself. Monsieur says it’s good for his strength.”

  “I suppose that I could use some strength,” Diamond said, picking up her fork and knife. The statement had several different meanings. Yes, she was going to need as much fortification as possible, because Diamond sensed that something bad was on the horizon.


  “Baptiste, you gotta stop buying me clothes that fit perfectly,” Diamond said with a laugh.

  “You look stunning,” he said, regarding the little red sundress.

  “I know, but I think you’re far too generous,” Diamond went on, uncomfortable that he was spending so much money on her.

  “You’re not allowed to tell me how generous I can be,” Baptiste said, coming close and kissing her on the cheek.

  “How do you always get the size just right?” Diamond asked.

  “I don’t know. I guess that I have a natural eye for these things.”

  “In other words, every woman that stays overnight gets sized up, so you can go buy her a dress the next day.”

  “I’m offended,” Baptiste replied in earnestness.

  “Come on. You can’t deny it,” Diamond replied.

  “I have to go, I have another meeting,” Baptiste said, suddenly becoming dismissive.

  “Wait, you really are offended,” Diamond said, trying to stop him.

  “It’s difficult to explain, but no. There have been no other women that I have had at the house, nor bought dresses for. If you’ll excuse me,” Baptiste said, making a hasty exit.

  “Shit,” Diamond said to herself. She was teasing him, but something had gone terribly wrong. Wasn’t it common sense that he was having women in and out of his home often? He was a stunning guy, loaded with money. Isn’t that the kind of behavior that guys like Baptiste Laurent engaged in?

  Diamond sat down upon a chair in the walk-in closet. Mirrors surrounded her. She had made a horrible mistake, and she’d managed to make Baptiste upset with her comment. She felt terrible.

  She had things to do that day in town. Errands to run. She wanted to go back to the chocolate shop and buy something for Baptiste, by way of making an apology. She also had a very important mission that involved Angelique’s clothing shop. She snuck out of the estate without saying
goodbye to Baptiste. She didn’t want to upset him any further, nor did she want to face the huge mess that she had created that morning by saying one simple statement.

  “I’m going into town. Thank you,” Diamond said to the driver.

  “Oui, Mademoiselle.”

  The ride into town was as beautiful as ever. The sun shone bright, and Diamond cracked open the window so that she could feel the fresh air on her face. There were people riding their bikes into town, and those off in the fields, picking wildflowers and having little picnics. It seemed like no one in town ever worked! As though life were merely about pleasure and enjoying every last minute, and work was something that was done as infrequently as possible.

  “You can stop here,” Diamond said as they approached Angelique’s shop. The driver got out and opened Diamond’s door, and she felt the warm sun on her shoulders and the top of her head. “Thank you.”

  “Mon plaisir,” the driver replied.

  Diamond entered the shop and she was immediately greeted by Angelique, behind her little counter sewing a button onto a jacket.

  “Mademoiselle, you look stunning!” Angelique said with great flair.

  “I believe this is another one of yours,” Diamond replied, twirling around and showing off the dress.

  “Yes, was purchased this morning by someone from the Laurent estate. I knew that it was meant for you.”

  “Angelique, can I ask how you would know that?” Diamond replied, doing a bit of investigation.

  “Whatever do you mean?” Angelique asked.

  “Well, seems to me like Baptiste must have women coming in and out of there all the time,” Diamond said, cutting to the chase. Somehow, she sensed that she could trust Angelique with this conversation.

  “Not that I’ve ever seen. Baptiste is a very private man, and very busy.”

  “So, I’m the only one that he’s ever bought a dress for?” Diamond asked in shock.

  “To my knowledge, yes,” Angelique replied. “Why would you ever doubt?”

  “You trippin’?” Diamond said, and then caught herself. “I mean, you must be kidding. Baptiste seems like the ultimate catch. He can have any woman that he wants,” Diamond explained.